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Sharing Our Favorite Books, Websites and more...

In the process of our collaborative endeavors, we're constantly coming across great websites, books, videos and other resources. This page highlights just a few of our favorites. You can also check out our Amazon store, where we've taken the time to include a number of additional books that you might find valuable.


The following lists provide links to interesting documents, websites, diagnostics

self-tests, and articles that you may find valuable. If you have additional suggestions that you'd encourage us to add to the list or would like to inquire more about our services, scheduling or pricing, please feel free to contact us.

Keynote Address on Implicit Bias

In the video below, Luminary Communications Founder and Senior Consultant, Christopher Harding, provides a keynote address on the topic of Implicit Bias and the impact it can have on organizations. The material covered in this address provides viewers with a look at some of the foundational principles that underpin Luminary's work in the area of Unconscious Bias training for leaders and executives.


For further information about this topic or how we can assist your organization, please contact us.

Recommended Books

Additional Resources


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