Luminary Communications
Creating Thriving Cultures in Business and Life
Luminary Communications has been in business for 20 years with a passion for powerfully enabling organizations, their leaders, managers, and employees to consistently perform at their peak.
How do we accomplish this?
We call it Upgrading the Software of Your Mind. This includes first (and foremost) helping you and your people change the way you see yourselves and others; and how you view the challenges and opportunities in your life. And second by designing and implementing customized organizational processes, flow, and patterns of behavior -- along with the required support systems to infuse these changes into your organization's day-to-day mode of operation.
Our Mission
To provide our clients powerful counsel, tools, and technologies that assist them in building strong, nimble leaders; collaborative, winning teams; and adaptive, dependable individuals; that consistently deliver high performance while meeting and exceeding their goals.
Our Motto
Upgrading the Software of Your Mind! ®
Our Values
Accountability, Commitment, Collaboration, Curiosity, Excellence, Ingenuity, Integrity, Peak Performance, Success, Wisdom!
About Us

What Value Do We Bring to You?
Simply stated, we tune up your organization's culture and mindset to thrive in a competitive world. But, to understand more clearly the value Luminary brings to your organization, we invite you to pursue several key questions that get to the heart of what is required to maintain peak performance as a sustainable way of being. For example:
What defines your organization's culture? Our organizational culture is defined not by what we say it is, but by what we as leaders and managers do, as experienced by our employees. In large part, their experience is based on what we let people (especially ourselves) get away with. It is too often the case, however, that managers and leaders either don't recognize these challenges or are unsure how to handle them effectively without getting caught up in the situation themselves.
When do people-related issues interfere the most with performance? These challenges show up more prominently than normal during times of stress, particularly when people feel a loss of control. If your organization, like many, is undergoing major challenges, changes or growth, the likelihood that these types of counterproductive issues will surface is almost a certainty. Unless this natural human response is planned for and pro-actively addressed through productive means; and facilitated in an empowering manner, it could add serious complications to an already challenging process.
Why do these breakdowns and barriers persist? Quite simply, because managers, teams, individuals, and leaders have typically not developed the level of mastery in terms of the skills and competencies required to create meaningful breakthroughs in these areas and thus sustain high performance as the norm.
Want your culture to be defined by high performance? Installing High-Performance Cultures, Solution-Thinking, and Empowerment Processes that really work are some of our prime specialties. That's why organizations from around the world utilize our programs and people to help them ensure that peak performance and breakthrough solutions are simply the way they operate... day in... day out. As Luminary founder, Christopher Harding has said:

True and lasting change comes by upgrading the software of the mind. This shift then translates into meaningful behavior with consistent accountability; and ultimately produces positive, sustainable results when reinforced with the appropriate systems and processes that reward the desired change.